Zeroplastic clears garbage during Kandy perahera

by admindasun
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Zeroplastic National Movement is the biggest environmental force in Sri Lanka; which is mainly focus on reduction of plastic usage.

The newest initiative of the movement is carrying out awareness programmes for the audience of the Kandy perahera (procession), about the consequences of the plastic usage.

Subsequently, collection of the leftover plastics at the premises is done, during the perahera season.

The Kandy perahera which is also known as The Festival of the Tooth is a vibrant festival that held every August in Kandy, Sri Lanka.

The procession is a historical icon for Sri Lankan Buddhists and thousands of people gather in Kandy town to pay homage to the Lord Budhdha’s tooth relic.

In order to prompt a glamorous experience to the audience in a clean surrounding, the movement collects leftover plastics in the premises and dispose them in a proper manner with the immense help of 300+ volunteers.

Most importantly, awareness programmes are conducted for the viewers on the awful results of dumping plastics improperly, in the aim of developing behavioral changes among them.

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